This is the official notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre to be held virtually by ZOOM on Thursday, April 29 2021, commencing at 7 pm. A link to the ZOOM AGM will be provided prior to the meeting date.This email is also official notice to members calling for nominations to the board of directors. The board of directors can have a maximum of 12 members according to the bylaws. Should less than 12 members be nominated they will be acclaimed to their position as an election will be not required, as per the bylaws. Members may submit nominations to the Secretary no less than thirty (30) clear days (March 30th) prior to the date fixed for the holding of the annual meeting – submissions may be made by email to and must be done with the advance knowledge and approval of the nominee. Submissions may also be in writing to the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre at 111B Gilmour Street, Morden, MB. R6M 1N9.Any Member wishing to introduce a motion at the annual meeting shall submit notice of the motion in writing or email to the Secretary at least fourteen (14) clear days (April 15th) prior to the date of the annual general meeting, which notice shall contain full particulars of the text of the motion.For past board meeting minutes or information about governance including bylaws please see the following website
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Aaron Crossman, Secretary, Board of Directors
Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre111B Gilmour Street R6M 1N9Morden, Manitoba, Canada / 204.822.3406